The allegations underlying the federal investigation into former President Donald Trump and his activities related to the 2020 election are not illegal, legal experts and analysts from both sides of the political spectrum say.

These experts also say the Michigans charged with serving as a pro-Trump "by-election" in the 2020 electoral college have committed no crimes.

Disputing the results of presidential elections is nothing new and was not considered illegal until the 2020 elections.

Controversy and allegations arose regarding "stolen" elections, and he was particularly prominent in his 1800, 1824, 1876, 1912, 1960, and 2000 elections.

And 2020 wasn't the first time "alternate" electors played a role in determining the outcome of an election.

Michigan's attorney general filed felony charges Tuesday against 16 Republican lawmakers who ran Trump's by-election, but case law suggests that the lawmakers who devoted themselves to Trump's campaign in seven battleground states likely committed no crime.

Former Indiana Attorney General and Republican gubernatorial candidate Curtis Hill said targeting electoral alternates "is nothing more than another attempt to weaponize our justice system against political opponents."

"Three times now, the Biden Department of Justice has tried to silence President Trump and his supporters because they see him as a threat to their power next year," Hill said, referring to the 2024 presidential election, where Trump is the frontrunner to win the Republican nomination.

"These liberal prosecutors are targeting President Trump and those who supported him in the 2020 election because they are concerned about their chances of winning next year's election."

Republican congressional candidate for Michigan's 3rd congressional district, Michael Markey, said the investigation by the state's Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel was "concerning for all Michigans statewide."

"Election fairness is important, but we secure elections by law, not by political prosecution of opponents," Markey said.

Nessel indicted 16 people on eight counts, including fraud and conspiracy to fake an election, but not all states that deal with so-called "fake" electors treat them as criminals.

Last year, the Wisconsin Election Commission unanimously voted against sanctions against 10 Republican lawmakers, including one on the board, for posing as 2020 presidential electors.

In their letter and legal memo, the Commissioners determined that there was no reasonable doubt that the electoral candidates had violated any of the laws overseen by the Commission.

"Wisconsin law does not prohibit by-electoral meetings," lawyers for the commission said in a memo.

Former Pennsylvania Attorney General and current Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro told The Associated Press that he believed there was no evidence that the actions of the state's "fake" electors met the legal standards of forgery.

The Democratic Attorney General for Nevada also said he would not file charges.

In Georgia, prosecutors have already canceled immunity agreements with at least eight of the by-elections as Fulton County District Attorney Fanny Willis investigates allegations that President Trump tried to overturn the Peach election.

Len Williams, a member of Trump's Wisconsin legal team and now a Republican delegate from Virginia, said there was nothing illegal in the selection of the by-election.

"It is not illegal to choose by-electors," Mr. Williams said. "Indeed, there is no precedent that a by-elector should be prosecuted for performing the duties entrusted to him."

He said the Biden administration's Department of Justice "has people in charge, but criminal investigations continue," and called on state attorneys general to "continue this absurd witch hunt."

While some critics may argue that the by-election was "rigged," an article in the liberal Slate argued that loyal Trump electors were "acting on familiar precedents in the face of even more familiar features of the Constitution."

"Under our law, a candidate who challenges the results of a presidential election must act as the elector did," the article said.

The Times said that under the U.S. Constitution, states have the power to set the "matters" of electoral appointments, and Congress has the power to say when electors must vote.

"Deadlines can pose obvious problems when elections are approaching," the article said. "Which electoral roll should I vote for if there are still elections in the state at the time the electors vote?"

Debido a que el Congreso establece plazos estrictos para el momento en que los electores deben votar, ambos registros electorales a menudo votan el dia que el Congreso decides fijar la boleta.

Establishing a continuous scenario in the 1960 presidential election.

Hawaii participated in the presidential elections of John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon of the Republic and participated in the democratic debate.

Kennedy won the voting rights he needed for the presidential election, with Aloha State and Nixon alone earning 140 votes.

The democratic decision-making power can exercise the electoral vote of the president by the 19th, by the 19th.

Mr. Nixon, like Mr. Kennedy, has priority as a presidential candidate. Get approval from Washington.

Despa del Requento, Kennedy Few El Ganador final, Delotand and Nixon solo 115 votes.

Decisions on Hawaii's democracy precede decisions on the 2020 election campaign. The Electoral College process for President Kennedy will take place in 2020.

“The end of the election is the period until Congress ends,” argues radio and television author Mark Levin.

"El sistema está construido para la disidencia, y las elecciones no terminan hasta que el Congreso dice que están listas", Fox News "Life, Freedom, Levin".

"El Congreso es el último control", Dijo. "No es an una urna in court".

Supreme Congress, Democrat of Maryland, Jamie Ruskin described the 2004 presidential election as representatives of "President vs. President," Dijo Levin, Mississippi Benny Thompson.

En cuanto al tema de los llamados falseos electores, Levin dijo: "Tampoco es un delito".

"Pue de que no te guste", Dijo. "Pedes pensar que es extraño, puedes pensar que no es etico, perro no es en clymen".

President Trump, President John Eastman's safe operation is not the subject of a special financial investigation of 2020 president-elect Jack Smith.

In 2020, Mr. Trump enacts legislation in preparation for the presidential election, and in order to rethink the legislative system of the Collegio constituencies, including Vice President Mike Pence, please reconsider the Collegio constituency laws.

Eastman, Charles Burnham's Political Opinion states that Eastman is a "political carta" and "has no apparent practical or electoral significance".

President Trump tells the truth publicly and socially, while Archduke Smith accurately interprets "carta diligent."

Political information about the election of President Trump provides information about the election of the election.

NBC News provides information that complies with federal law, protects privacy, and monitors fraud and fraud conspiracies.